BSC04555This concept comes from a business family with gained experience in the hotel industry that, seeing the discontinuity in the industry, decided to offer to the territory a new meeting point, with a friendly, authentic and simply elegant atmosphere.

Very important was the naming phase: the search of a name that would include all the peculiarities of the new structure The reading of a great work of the ‘900 was decisive …


“There are the so-called inert gases in the air we breathe. They bear curious Greek names of erudite derivation which mean “the New,” “the Hidden,” “the Inactive,” and “the Alien.”…

From “Il Sistema Periodico – Primo Levi”



… these six noble gases have been a source of inspiration in the choice of the name … Helios … a name that evokes a not “common” but natural place: in Greek mythology the God of the Sun and Light, one of lighter rare gas that , animating all parties, made and will continue to make all us dream!